EUROS packages

Republike Srpskа


Zadržite prst na ikonici za detaljniji opis

Description of rights






Free car transportation after traffic accident from any European country to the place of residence in BiH

unlimited number of times a year

once a year

Towing a vehicle in a malfunction in the territory of Europe to the nearest car service - up to 200 EU or 100 kilometers of transport

unlimited number of times a year

once a year

Repair on the road to Europe - coverage up to 200 EUR

unlimited number of times a year

once a year

Replacement car in Europe - up to EUR 70 per day, up to three days

unlimited number of times a year

Accommodation in Europe - up to 75 EUR per person, up to three days

unlimited number of times a year

Car care - Coverage up to 20 EU

once a year

Free access to the network of providers in Europe and the help

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Free car transportation in case of traffic accidents in BiH, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro, and free transportation - reimbursement of transportation costs of the member and his family by bus or rail, from the place of the accident to the place of residence

once a year

Free car transportation in the case of a traffic accident in BiH and free transportation – reimbursement of the transportation costs of the member and his family by bus or rail, from the place of the accident to the place of residence

once a year

once a year

100 km of free vehicle transportation in the event of a malfunction in the territory of BiH

once a year

50 km of free vehicle transportation in the event of a malfunction in the territory of BiH

once a year

once a year

once a year

once a year

50 km of free vehicle transportation in case of a traffic accident in the territory of Republic of Srpska

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Vehicle transportation in case of malfunction or traffic accident in BiH with a discount of 20%

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Free service in SPI AMS RS Centers workshops for up to one normative hour.

2 times a year

2 times a year

2 times a year

once a year

once a year

Services at the SPI AMS RS workshops are at preferential prices

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Discount on fuel purchases and all other products except for tobacco, products of tobacco and credits for mobile phones at NESTRO petrol stations at rate of 3%

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Discounts in CLUB 1285

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Information on road conditions and other travel information

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Free organization of all types of roadside assistance (BiH, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia)

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Federacijа BiH


Zadržite prst na ikonici za detaljniji opis

Description of rights



Free car transportation after traffic accident from any European country to the place of residence in BiH

unlimited number of times a year

once a year

Towing a vehicle in a malfunction in the territory of Europe to the nearest car service - up to 200 EU or 100 kilometers of transport

unlimited number of times a year

once a year

Repair on the road to Europe - coverage up to 200 EUR

unlimited number of times a year

once a year

Zamjensko vozilo u Evropi - do 70 EUR po danu, do tri dana

unlimited number of times a year

Replacement car in Europe – up to EUR 70 per day, up to three days

unlimited number of times a year

Car care - Coverage up to 20 EU

once a year

Free access to the network of providers in Europe and the help

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Free car transportation in case of traffic accidents in BiH, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro, and free transportation - reimbursement of transportation costs of the member and his family by bus or rail, from the place of the accident to the place of residence

once a year

Free car transportation in the case of a traffic accident in BiH and free transportation – reimbursement of the transportation costs of the member and his family by bus or rail, from the place of the accident to the place of residence

once a year

once a year

100 km of free vehicle transportation in the event of a malfunction in the territory of BiH

once a year

50 km of free vehicle transportation in the event of a malfunction in the territory of BiH

once a year

50 km of free vehicle in case of a traffic accident in the territory of Republic of Srpska

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Vehicle transportation in case of malfunction or traffic accident in BiH with a discount of 20%

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Services at the SPI AMS RS workshops are at preferential prices

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Discounts in CLUB 1285

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Information on road conditions and other travel information

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year

Free organization of all types of roadside assistance (BiH, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia)

unlimited number of times a year

unlimited number of times a year