

You bought a car. It has been serving you for some time. You've come a long way. You've become emotionally attached to it, but as time goes on you realize that your tin pet may not be so reliable anymore. It’s starting to break down and you inevitably have to invest in it. Is it time to break up, to sell it?

Is it worth investing extra in repairs or is the best option to sell it?

Experts in buying used cars, based on many years of experience, say that the question is not whether to sell a used car at all, but when is the right time to sell your car. The most important thing is to sell the car while it is still in operation. You will never get a lot of money for a damaged or defective car. The logic of most people is just the opposite - if it works, why would I sell?

How many kilometers is the starting point to start thinking about selling your car?

Most modern cars will cover over 150,000 kilometers without major problems. Many of them will cover 200,000 kilometers. When we turn those kilometers into years, that means about eight to ten years of driving without any problems. Essentially, if you are wondering if it is time to sell your car, this fact that you have driven it for ten years and driven close to 200,000 km with it is a sign that it is time to start thinking about buying a new car.

If, however, you decide to continue driving your car and postpone selling it, you need to know that it requires a lot of effort and investment on your part. Not to mention the uncertainty — forget about long journeys. The most likely scenario that will happen to you is a sudden breakdown that will cost you a lot of money and nerves.

It is not the worst thing to have a used car with such specifications and "years of experience". It also has its advantages, but you have to be engaged, skillful and resourceful when it comes to maintaining such a car. If you are not ready to do extra work and maintain your car, then buying a new car may be a smart move for you.

It is also important to ask yourself a few additional questions before selling your used car:

Are you driving less and less or not using it at all? If the answer is yes, think about why you keep it and look for excuses not to sell it.
Do you use the car to go to work every day and you don't mind being late from time to time due to breakdowns?
Would you dare to go on a longer trip with your car?
How old is your car? Regardless of the mileage, cars inevitably age and wear out, and if you do not store it in the garage, the external conditions - sun, rain and snow - will further contribute to the decay.
Are there any visible traces of rust, unpleasant odors inside the car?
These are all indicators that your car is ticking the clock. Whether you sell it, move on, or sell it in scrap metal is up to you.

Things have a shelf life. So think about what to do with a used car in time.